
  • The council secured funding for this project from the Future High Streets Fund, which aims to support towns across the country to overcome challenges they might be facing.

    Just like many towns, Buxton has been impacted by the trend towards online shopping. The number of shops closing has increased which makes it even more important that the town adapts to reflect our new shopping, working and leisure routines.

  • The council wants to do everything it can to help shops and local businesses and is exploring how new uses could be introduced to create a more resilient town centre. Buxton is known for its independent shops and venues but like lots of places, has seen some national retailers leave the town. To complement the existing retailers, alternative uses such as leisure, hospitality are being explored to attract people into the town centre.

    New housing is important as not only does it provide much needed homes, but people living in a town centre support shops, cafes and restaurants all of which helps an area feel vibrant, welcoming and safe for everyone.

  • Events are taking place over the summer for you to get involved with the Revitalising Buxton project. The events will be both in-person and online via Zoom. Visit the have your say page to find an event. There is also an online feedback survey which is available to everyone.

  • A lot is happening! The Council has started the process of selecting a developer to deliver the project, which will see a planning application come forward next year. Construction will begin shortly after planning is approved.

  • A lot has happened since the funding was first awarded. Covid-19 delayed the project and the pandemic changed how and where we work and accelerated a trend towards online retail to the detriment of high streets. On top of that, we’re battling through challenging economic times and increasing cost of living.

    Over the last couple of years, the council has been assembling the land. Buying The Springs was a big milestone. With this piece of the jigsaw in place, we have been able to assess the original plans and think about what is realistic for Buxton today in the face of all the changes over recent years.

  • The purchase of The Springs and the surrounding land is key to unlocking an opportunity for wider development. This opens up opportunities for introducing new workspace, commercial, leisure or food and drink venues and new homes including affordable housing. This will bring more people and more activity into the town centre.

  • Buxton is facing the same challenges as many other towns throughout the country and a shift towards online shopping is threatening high street shops. That means we need to look at how vacant units can be best used to help the town centre. For instance, we will explore how vacant units could be made available for local community groups to use for exhibitions or workshops in the meantime. This is a great way to bring more interest and activity to the town centre, while the long term regeneration is planned.

  • The next step is to select a development partner, to finalise the plans and drawings to share with local people. This will happen next year and, following a planning application, construction work will be ready to start.

  • The developer will work alongside the council to get planning permission and oversee the construction – it’s an important role.

    The selection process must be competitive and enable the council to find a professional development partner who will deliver quality value for money and bring innovation to complement Buxton’s reputation as a world-renowned town of heritage and creativity.

    Conversations with potential development partners are underway to help us better understand the market and a fair selection process will be launched shortly.