What’s happening now?

Revitalising Buxton is a major project and a lot has been happening behind the scenes. Activities are planned in the town over the summer months, to provide opportunities for everyone to share their experience of the town centre and have their say on ideas for the future of the high street. Learn more about upcoming events.

The next step is to select a development partner, to develop designs to share with local people. This will happen next year and, following a planning application, construction work will be ready to start. 

What’s happened so far?

High Peak Borough Council secured funding for this project from the Future High Streets Fund,  which aims to support towns across the country to overcome challenges they might be facing.

To build a case for investment and secure the funding, the council had to demonstrate what the potential opportunities could be in Buxton town centre. Purchasing The Springs shopping centre and the surrounding land was a key part of the funding bid and will unlock the opportunity for a wider development. 

The council will now appoint a development partner to deliver a scheme that is viable and reflects our changing leisure and working routines – so we can make this a success. 

What can we expect to see?

 It is likely residents and visitors will start to see positive changes in the town centre by 2027. The project aims to create a thriving and more vibrant town centre for Buxton. Investment will introduce  leisure, hospitality and new homes along with improvements to the public space around The Springs to create an area where people want to live and spend time. 

Timeline of what to expect from the project